BOOM TRUMP SMASHES CNN OVER SHERIFF JOE LOOK WHO OBAMA PARDONED: BOOM TRUMP SMASHES CNN OVER SHERIFF JOE LOOK WHO OBAMA PARDONED The crooked media has been skewering Trump every chance they get, but no matter how hard they try, the facts are on his side So after he listed some of the people that Democrats have pardoned in the past, he left the media speechless During the Obama administration, Sheriff Joe Arpaio came under fire for trying to stop illegal immigrationor in other words, for trying to do his job.

The Arizona sheriff was the target of ample media backlash, and was branded a racist, by the corrupt Obama pandering CNN Thankfully, Trump has stood against his predecessors corruption, and has decided to pardon Sheriff Joe Americans across the country have rejoiced, after President Trumps final decision to wipe the mans charges away, but liberal heads have exploded after learning about this.

They claim that Joe Arpaio was racially profiling by targeting Latinos in illegal immigration inquiries, but he tells a different story The yearold officer was reportedly just doing his job, trying to prevent illegal immigrants from entering into his county and polluting his state with crime, drugs, and violence Liberals, of course, dont give a damn about these thingsthey just care about feelings.

Sheriff Joe tackling the very real problem of illegal immigration hurt the Democrats feelings, so now CNN has gone on full assault mode after President Trump Unfortunately for them, however, it completely blew up in their face In a recent press conference, President Trump decided to list a few people that Obama and other Democrats had pardoned, which quickly shut the Clinton News Network right up.

Breitbart reports President Donald Trump stood by his decision to pardon former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio at his Monday press conference after members of his own party criticized the move Sheriff Joe is a patriot, Sheriff Joe loves our country, Sheriff Joe protected our borders, and Sheriff Joe was very unfairly treated by the Obama administration, especially right before an election, an election he would have won, Trump told reporters when asked about the pardon, highlighting what he saw as a political decision on his predessessors part to prosecute Arpaio President Trump contrasted the relative lack of outrage accompanying pardons and commutations by his Democratic predecessors Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

For example, the president pointed to Clintons last minute pardon of financier Marc Rich, who as Trump put it, was charged with crimes going back decades, including illegally buying oil from Iran while it held American hostages he was pardoned after his wife donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Clintons Also on Trumps hit list were Clinton pardonee Susan Rosenberg, a Weather Underground terrorist in the s and s suspected of involvement in the deadly Brinks robbery, Obamas commutation of the sentences of Bradley now Chelsea Manning, the source behind one of the largest leaks in US.

Army history, and a different leftwing terrorist, FALN member Oscar Lopez Rivera I stand by my pardon of Sheriff Joe and I think the people of Arizona who really know him best would agree with me, Trump said If Donald Trump had pardoned a single one of these people, whether it be Marc Rich, Susan Rosenberg, or Chelsea Manning, he would have been in the midst of a media firestorm for months.

Conveniently when a Democrat does these things, however, theres not a word of it on television This is the hypocrisy of the mainstream media, and conservatives know it Thanks to independent news sources, Donald Trump was elected President in but we still have far more ground to gain in the fight for our country.

Pardoning Sheriff Joe was a fantastic step towards ending the problem of illegal immigration, but with Illinois just signing a sanctuary state, bill and fighting us every step of the way, we still have much work to do Thank God for President Trump If you think that Sheriff Joe is a PATRIOT trying to protect our country from illegal immigrants, please give this article a share Thank you and God bless Thank you for watching What do you think about this Dont you forget like, share and subscribe News Today channel.


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